World Class Leadership & Communications Solutions
Click to purchase Kristin Fitzmorris’s new book!
With over 20 years in the world’s premier intelligence service, spanning the fall of the Berlin Wall to the elimination of Osama bin Laden, the founders of HBC share hard-won lessons from the “winner-take-all” arena of intelligence and covert operations and apply them in your board room or corporate offices. From leadership development training to outcome-based management-to communications and influence campaigns, we are ready to help you lead your organization from “first class” to “world class.”
HBC’s managing partner is Kristin Fitzmorris, a communications expert supporting government, corporate, and non-profit clients in pursuit of both strategic and tactical objectives. Her specialized experience includes ten years of intelligence operations and strategic management of U.S. government influence campaigns overseas, as well as five years formulating government-wide training policy, standards, & curriculum for federal intelligence, military, and law enforcement partners including CIA, DoD, FBI, DEA, ICE, ATF, & CBP.
Solving problems through leadership development and culture transformation
We offer corporate culture and organizational transformation, leadership development & skills acquisition, and outcome-based management consultation derived from lessons learned from decades with the world’s premier intelligence service. Our clients love our key-note presentations, objective-based management strategies, personality assessment & 360° feedback tools, ethics briefings, and leadership & collaboration training.
Mobilizing thought leadership in your environment
Do you have a message you want to push out to your community, your clients, or your workforce? We create information and persuasion campaigns incorporating vision articulation, issue analysis, audience segmentation, message framing & design, mobilization for various platforms, message management, and qualitative, quantitative, & impact evaluation.
Illuminating the answers, not just the facts
No one knows your business better than you do, but everyone needs a little help from time to time. Creating a comprehensive, actionable strategic plan to guide your operations that is worthy of your vision for your organization can be daunting. We draft strategic plans, concepts of operations (CONOPS), policy, doctrine, and research papers to illuminate the path and allow you to lead the way.
Energizing collaboration and partnership
Setting a vision at a high enough level so all agree is one of our specialties. We offer coalition, team-building, collaboration, and mediation services for corporate or non-profit boards, inter-agency task force groups, matrixed organizations, or multi-cultural associations needing common ground to a achieve mission or a negotiated solution.
Hidden Brook provides high quality motivational and educational presentations, workshops and conference keynote speeches in leadership, ethics, collaboration, and risk management topics. We are happy to tailor our presentations to your needs. The techniques we share are drawn from two decades of experience conducting operations overseas on behalf of the US government.
The Challenge:
A top-ten international oil and gas company decided to create an internal, all-source intelligence capability to provide leadership with greater decision advantage for operations in overseas markets. The new unit would provide information to reduce costs, optimize profit, compress new-country and new-prospect execution schedules, enhance reputation, and increase global footprint. While the concept was clearly a good idea, a challenge arose because the firm had no previous experience with the intelligence discipline, and its existing security structure focused solely on physical security measures.
The HBC Solution:
HBC supported this expansion by creating a strategic plan marketing the new unit’s capabilities to other components internally, producing a cohesive message campaign branding the new unit, and establishing three-year objectives and deliverables guiding the unit’s integration into the business and decision making apparatus enterprise-wide.
The Result:
Following delivery of the HBC-authored strategic plan, the unit has doubled in size and has more than payed for itself in dollars saved. 1.5 years into the initial three-year-plan, the unit enjoys “ahead of schedule” penetration into the company C-suite; is integral to decisions addressing new country entry, prospect evaluation, and the value assurance process; and routinely advises on development of maturing assets.
The Challenge:
Our client was a large, metropolitan police force wishing to set the tone and tempo for an innovative leadership development program to empower its officers and to foster collaboration throughout the region.
The HBC Solution:
HBC delivered the keynote speech on “Leadership in a High Reliability Organization,” focusing on the implicit sacrifice required by personnel serving in this type of occupation. Sharing best practices from the arena of federal operations, HBC addressed acculturation, retention, morale, and mission achievement topics.
The Result:
With a high impact, three-hour presentation, the members of the host organization and several invited guests had a renewed commitment to collaboration across the region. Officers commented on how the presentation resonated with them personally, and the clear impression that their leadership cared enough about them and their personal development to bring HBC in to kick off the program.
The Challenge:
When HBC learned in 2013 that the incidence of teenagers manipulated into sex trafficking was on the rise in Northern Virginia, we approached various influential stakeholders in the community to rally their support behind rolling out an awareness and prevention campaign addressing this issue. We needed to create relevant messages that would receive support from a variety of stakeholders including Fairfax County government offices, police, and public schools, community organizations, and faith-based groups.
The HBC Solution:
To grab the public’s attention, we crafted a campaign that included several unique elements: framing the issue in terms of “typical teens” and “teen sex trafficking” rather than the standard term “commercial sexual exploitation of teens”; using a community intervention approach to “just ask” if something looks suspicious; and themes tailored to appeal visually, emotionally, and logically to three separate audiences of typical teens, parents, and the community. Communication products included branding, a web site, posters, brochures, handouts, a public service announcement, and wrist band campaigns.
The Result:
Within the first year, key stakeholders were on-board, messages were widely disseminated across the community, and, by fall 2014, one perpetrator had been apprehended as a result of the initiative. We ensured that the content was both authoritative and relevant by including perspective provided by a former sex trafficker and recovering survivors in addition to guidance from professionals in the field. Link to the website at
The Challenge:
A top-ranked waste management and sustainability company in the US approached HBC with a plan to create a senior leadership development program. The stated goal was to select and train high-potential upper echelon managers to enhance the firm’s position as an industry thought leader in innovation, process improvement, and customer service for decades to come.
The HBC Solution:
HBC used an inductive training approach for adult learners to tailor a series of six seminars spanning 15 months. Senior managers attend quarterly two-day sessions leveraging best practices from other industries in technological innovation, business collaboration, community partnership, and change management. Learning is designed to convey these lessons while enhancing personal leadership growth and development.
The Result:
The organization benefitted immediately from the clarification of leadership values and behaviors. Participants were able to take practical, actionable techniques back to their work units with a new framework upon which to base and evaluate their own leadership and management decisions. With a new common vocabulary which they themselves defined and accepted, they created an instant coaching and feedback community to both solve problems and share best practices.
9717 Mill Run Drive Great Falls, VA 22066 Info@HiddenBrookCom.Com 703.405.3947
Washington, DC region
Houston, TX
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